Save the date: 16 | 17 | 18 May 2025

A weekend with a view

Look closely at what is happening.
Ilse Aichinger


At the Internationale Tage der Information in Innsbruck, journalists from different regions of the world can speak with their specific expertise, comment on pressing issues, debate with one another and talk to scientists, NGO representatives and the Audience.

Tigran Petrosyan 

© Ute Langkafel

Dr. Tigran Petrosyan is a journalist and publisher of the booklet „Krieg und Frieden. Ein Tagebuch“ (September 2022) („War and Peace. A Journal“). He is mainly writing for the German daily taz. die tageszeitungZEIT Online and the Amnesty International Journal. He is furthermore responsible for the East European projects of the taz Panter Stiftung

Tigran Petrosyan studied in Yerewan, Mainz and Berlin oriental studies, history and cultural studies. He holds a PhD in Integration, Migration and medial perception.

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The program

A weekend with a view: Debates, talks, readings, films, exhibitions and audio features

The locations

The festival venues are in the center of Innsbruck. They can be easily reached on foot.


Information on tickets, arrival, hotels, public transport and news about the city and the region.