Zsolt Wilhelm, born in 1983, is head of Dienst Audio at STANDARD and heads the podcast department. In this function he is responsible for format development and all editorial contributions. This includes the research podcast “Inside Austria” in cooperation with SPIEGEL, the news podcast “Thema des Tages” (Topic of the Day) as well as thematic podcasts from “Besser leben” (Better Living), “Rätsel der Wissenschaft” (Riddles of Science), “Lohnt sich das?” (Is It Worth It?) to “Edition Zukunft” (Edition Future), “Beziehungsweise” (Relationship-wise) and “Serienreif” (Ready for Series). Before that, Wilhelm managed special editorial projects at the STANDARD such as “Österreich spricht” (Austria speaks), developed a print magazine and video formats for the STANDARD and was responsible for IT, games and future topics as an editor.