Ever since Victor Orbán has been in power in Hungary, the media has gradually been taken under the control of the government. In Reporters Without Borders’ ranking of press freedom, Hungary comes last in the EU. The weekly newspaper HVG remains one of the last independent newspapers and its editor-in-chief is a guest at the Journalismusfest.
Large foundations have recently become involved in Eastern European countries in order to preserve the remaining media diversity and thus strengthen democracies. In 2021, the Dutch Plūrālis Foundation was founded with the aim of investing specifically in Eastern European media. The Austrian ERSTE Foundation is also invested in Plūrālis. The reason why they are investing in media diversity is also the subject of the discussion with:
Márton Gergely
Editor-in-chief of the Hungarian weekly newspaper HVG
Maribel Königer
Director of Communications, Journalism, and Media, ERSTE Foundation
Hosted by
Nina Horaczek
Chief reporter of FALTER