Save the date: 16 | 17 | 18 May 2025

A weekend with a view

Look closely at what is happening.
Ilse Aichinger


At the Internationale Tage der Information in Innsbruck, journalists from different regions of the world can speak with their specific expertise, comment on pressing issues, debate with one another and talk to scientists, NGO representatives and the Audience.

Farahnaz Forotan

Farahnaz Forotan was born in 1992 in Kabul and fled to Iran when she was five. In 2001 she returned to Kabul and decided to pursue a career in journalism. At the age of 23, she was awarded the First Medal of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan by the president of Afghanistan. 

In March 2019, Farotan co-founded the MyRedLine campaign, which is a Social Media campaign that aims to bring the voices of the Afghan people during the ongoing peace talks between the Taliban, the United States and the Afghan Government to the fore. 

In February 2020, Farotan joined 1TV Media as the anchor of the hard talk show, Kabul Debate. In October she covered the inauguration of the Peace Talks between the Afghan Government and the Taliban in Doha, Qatar. After returning to Kabul, the Taliban started their targeted assassinations, and Farotan was a target. She had to leave Afghanistan and flee to France for three months, from where she moved to the United States in February 2021. 

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The program

A weekend with a view: Debates, talks, readings, films, exhibitions and audio features

The locations

The festival venues are in the center of Innsbruck. They can be easily reached on foot.


Information on tickets, arrival, hotels, public transport and news about the city and the region.