Save the date: 16 | 17 | 18 May 2025

A weekend with a view

Look closely at what is happening.
Ilse Aichinger


For three days, journalists will meet other knowledgeable mediators of information from different regions of the world in Innsbruck. In conversations with colleagues and other experts, visitors find out what is going on behind the scenes of the information on international events, which is often hastily and superficially conveyed, and can contribute.

Current social, political and cultural developments are the focus of the debates, from book presentations, exhibitions, doc-films and audio features. The Journalismusfest Innsbruck opens a window to the complex present in which we live.

The Journalismusfest Innsbruck opens a window to the complex present in which we live.

Reportagen Live on Stage – “Sushi From the Cage”

“Your arrival in the kitchens of the world was your death sentence”, is how Rocío Puntas Bernet’s report begins, which can be experienced as a staged reading at the Journalismusfest Innsbruck: a report about the coveted bluefin tuna. Within 30 years the former large stocks collapsed. The global boom in sushi has led to massive fishing pressure, particularly in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. In the Turkish part of these seas it is considered extinct. In order to satisfy the global hunger for sushi, the huge animals are fattened in large numbers in the Mediterranean.
A story about the legal grey areas in the food industry and an ode to tuna. The Bühnen Bern and the journal Reportagen present their original stage format for the first time in Austria. 

“Sushi From the Cage”, report of Rocío Puntas Bernet in Reportagen #57, March 2021

Actors: Linus Schütz
Directed by: Roger Vontobel
Assistance: Lisa-Katharina Breuer

Followed by a conversation with
Daniel Puntas Bernet
Editor-in-chief of Reportagen

Axel Hein
WWF Austria 

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Die Mitwirkenden

Wir freuen uns auf Journalist*­innen, Wissenschaftler*innen und NGOs aus verschiedenen Regionen der Welt.

Die Schauplätze

Die Veranstaltungsorte des Festivals liegen im Zentrum von Innsbruck. Sie sind zu Fuß gut zu erreichen.


Informationen über Tickets, Anreise, Unterkünfte, Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und Aktuelles zur Region Innsbruck.