Time and again, headlines bring attention to violence committed by police officers. In 2022, only in Austria, over 300 suspected cases of excessive police violence were registered. They report of racist attacks, radical right-wing chat groups and violent actions against climate protesters. An esprit of corps within those groups often hinders mutual control. On the one hand, people affected therefore have hardly any chance to have their cases independently resolved; and on the other hand, colleagues slowly undermine the reputation of good police officers. What change do we need to see?
Hannah Espín Grau
Employee at the Department of Criminology & Criminal Law,
Goethe University Frankfurt a. M.
Colette Schmidt
Editor focussing on human rights, anti-democratic movements and networks of right-wing extremists, Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard, Vienna
Gerhard Stix
Police Union, Police Tyrol
Hosted by
Christina Zühlke
Investigative journalist, e.g. for German public-service broadcaster WDR, Monitor, co-author of “Tatort Polizei – Gewalt, Rassismus und mangelnde Kontrolle” (Crime Scene Police – Violence, Racism and a Lack of Control), Cologne