Save the date: 16 | 17 | 18 May 2025

A weekend with a view

Look closely at what is happening.
Ilse Aichinger


For three days, journalists will meet other knowledgeable mediators of information from different regions of the world in Innsbruck. In conversations with colleagues and other experts, visitors find out what is going on behind the scenes of the information on international events, which is often hastily and superficially conveyed, and can contribute.

Current social, political and cultural developments are the focus of the debates, from book presentations, exhibitions, doc-films and audio features. The Journalismusfest Innsbruck opens a window to the complex present in which we live.

The Journalismusfest Innsbruck opens a window to the complex present in which we live.

Werner Bätzing: “Homo destructor”

In light of the massive environmental destruction that is now affecting the entire planet and challenging human existence, a question urgently arises: Is the human being a Homo destructor who destroys its environment always and everywhere? Or do we have a destructive side that only becomes visible under certain circumstances? Do humans only turn into Homo destructor at a certain point in time? 
The well-known geographer and doyen of Alpine research Werner Bätzing gets to the bottom of these questions in a comprehensive history of man and the environment. Cultural self-limitation in earlier times is called into question by the industrial revolution, modern science, enlightenment and the market economy. This is the beginning of a way of thinking and acting that exploits nature and the environment on a short-term basis and destroys the limited earth. Bätzing pleads in his Opus magnum “Homo destructor” (Beck, 2023) for a new cultural self-limitation.

Talk by Werner Bätzing
Cultural geographer and alpine researcher

Conversation and discussion
With Wolfger Mayrhofer
Deputy Secretary General of the Alpine Convention

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Die Mitwirkenden

Wir freuen uns auf Journalist*­innen, Wissenschaftler*innen und NGOs aus verschiedenen Regionen der Welt.

Die Schauplätze

Die Veranstaltungsorte des Festivals liegen im Zentrum von Innsbruck. Sie sind zu Fuß gut zu erreichen.


Informationen über Tickets, Anreise, Unterkünfte, Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und Aktuelles zur Region Innsbruck.