The Claus Gatterer award for Socially Committed Quality Journalism is named after an excellent journalist, historian, writer and documentary filmmaker. Gatterer, who was born in 1924 in Sexten/South Tyrol, has left many traces: with ground breaking contemporary historical and literary works on Austria, Italy and South Tyrol as well as a journalist in Austria’s media landscape, especially with his socially critical ORF television magazine teleobjektiv. Gatterer’s focus on social and ethnic minorities has shaped a generation of journalists.
What can socially committed journalism mean today?
Introduction to Claus Gatterer
Günther Pallaver
Political scientist, EURAC Bolzano, University of Innsbruck
Followed by a conversation with
Christoph Franceschini
Journalist and documentary filmmaker,, author
Edith Meinhart
Journalist, worked at news magazine profil for 26 years, since 2024 Podcast “Dunkelkammer”
Ed Moschitz
has been creating TV-reports and documentaries for the ORF for 25 years
Rebecca Sandbichler
Editor in chief Straßenzeitung 20er, Innsbruck
Hosted by
Daniela Kraus
Secretary-General of Presseclub Concordia Vienna