Save the date: 16 | 17 | 18 May 2025

A weekend with a view

Look closely at what is happening.
Ilse Aichinger


For three days, journalists will meet other knowledgeable mediators of information from different regions of the world in Innsbruck. In conversations with colleagues and other experts, visitors find out what is going on behind the scenes of the information on international events, which is often hastily and superficially conveyed, and can contribute.

Current social, political and cultural developments are the focus of the debates, from book presentations, exhibitions, doc-films and audio features. The Journalismusfest Innsbruck opens a window to the complex present in which we live.

The Journalismusfest Innsbruck opens a window to the complex present in which we live.

Forgotten conflicts: Myanmar

In Myanmar, formerly Burma, indications of a positive development have been observed for the first time since the military coup of February 2021. Rebel groups allied with the underground democracy movement engage in nation-wide actions against the military junta. Famous Burmese intellectual, writer, activist and doctor Ma Thida finds the the resistance of the civil society and democratic movement encouraging. The winner of the last elections and Peace Nobel Prize Winner Aun San Suu Kyi was removed by the coup d’état and remains to be incarcerated. A disenchanting situation for media professionals: On the World Press Freedom Index, Myanmar ranks 173th out of 180 states. 
Ma Thida too, had been incarcerated for a long time and is now living in exile in Berlin. With journalist and Asia expert Sven Hansen, she discusses the Spring Revolution in Maynmar and how it strives to find a multi-ethnic democratic exit from this labyrinth. International reactions prove to be disappointing. 

Ma Thida
Author, activist, doctor from Myanmar, living in exile in Berlin
Sven Hansen
Long-standing Asia editor for German daily newspaper taz. die tageszeitung
Han Sens Asientalk

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Die Mitwirkenden

Wir freuen uns auf Journalist*­innen, Wissenschaftler*innen und NGOs aus verschiedenen Regionen der Welt.

Die Schauplätze

Die Veranstaltungsorte des Festivals liegen im Zentrum von Innsbruck. Sie sind zu Fuß gut zu erreichen.


Informationen über Tickets, Anreise, Unterkünfte, Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel und Aktuelles zur Region Innsbruck.