Diverse opinions, critical topics, and fundamentally different perspectives: This is what media that wants to establish themselves as an alternative player using their own journalistic concepts, business models and methods stands for. In Tyrol, there are some important alternative media outlets with a consistent, perhaps even traditional, output – in spite of persisting precarious conditions. In the mix, we have aep informationen, founded over 50 years ago, street paper Straßenzeitung 20er, founded over 25 years ago, and the Innsbruck cult magazine UND, founded in 2015. In the more recent past, the term alternative media has predominantly been used to label populist and extremely biased platforms that developed as their own, digital-minded subculture. This round of talks is led and organised by students from the MA programme for Media Studies at the University of Innsbruck and provides an opportunity for regional media professionals to discuss what the term “alternative” means today and what challenges and opportunities alternative print journalism faces.
Rebecca Sandbichler
Straßenzeitung 20er
Elisabeth Grabner-Niel
Lukas Ladner
UND Magazin
Led by
Daniel Pfurtscheller
Department for German Studies, University of Innsbruck
Hosted by
Students of the MA programme for Media Studies, University of Innsbruck